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對於 Elina Brotherus  的認識,是在一本書封面,她拍自己紅鼻子的照片。那組作品是她在留學期間,因為語文學習上的困難,用了很多便利貼,寫下的單字,最後與影像呼應。非常可愛的作品。

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Untitled Film Still #21. 1978

Cindy Sherman 61歲生日快樂


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99 Cent II Diptychon (2001)

Andreas Gursky:The Encyclopedia of Life


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The merchant's daughter p136522990-4.jpg

The merchant's daughter

Born and residing in Melbourne Australia, Bill Gekas is a multi awarded and published fine art portrait photographer. Self taught and by learning the intricacies of photography since the mid 90's, his admiration and respect for the works by the old master painters has influenced his stylistic approach to the craft.

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在中平卓馬與筱山紀信的決鬥寫真論(1977年),中平卓馬不斷地提及Walker Evans與Eugne Atget,一種影像中不帶評斷情緒的拍攝方式,Eugne Atget巴黎街道那無人的景像近乎是犯罪現場。而這一篇植物圖鑑寫於更早(1973年),從當時這篇文章就可以看出他的策略與走向。一個原先追求影像詩意的中平卓馬,到底受了什麼刺激決定拋棄自己原本的語言,這一點令人好期,同時我們也必須去想像"一個從不滿足的慾望"在這點上,終究將他推往更遠的路。


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Carl Kleiner6795374_5

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Ariko Inaoka1  

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